Drop Dairy
The Facts
Cows, like humans and all other mammals, only produce milk for their young. This means that they must give birth before they can be milked. To the dairy industry, their calves are seen as competitors for the milk and thus, are separated from their mothers often within 24 hours of birth.
A dairy cow will give birth after a nine-month pregnancy and within 24 hours, her baby will be stolen from her. The mothers are left distressed and the babies can be heard calling for their mother. Two of our exposés captured the separation process, where mothers are seen chasing after their babies. According to studies, a dairy cow can remember the exact sound of the truck that took her baby away. This will happen to her every year until her body breaks down from the process and reproduction slows. While some dairy cows can endure this for up to ten years, most are considered “spent” and are slaughtered by the age of five.
Approximately two thirds of the female calves are kept to replace spent dairy cows, and some males and females are also raised for veal or beef. The remaining, equating to approximately 400,000 every year, are slaughtered at just 5 days old.
In Australia, it is also legal for farmers to kill newborn calves under 24 hours old, with blunt force trauma or a captive bolt gun.
“Calves in the holding pens cry out for their mothers and can be seen suckling the other calves ears and even penises looking for milk and comfort. Sometimes they will even suckle our fingers.”
The Latest Exposé
In 2019, Animal Liberation was contacted by a backpacker who was working on an Australian dairy farm as part of her working visa. She chose the role because she loved cows and dairy and thought it would be a great fit.
After just a few days she was shocked to see the dark reality of the dairy industry and came to the conclusion that “in the end, calves are a waste product and these farmers do not care about their lives”.
This is some of the footage Eva captured and sent to Animal Liberation.
Help us end this by dropping dairy today
Consumer demand drives this industry. Be one less person consuming dairy by opting to drop it today: