Plant-Based Protein

People tend to eat meat because it is marketed as being high in protein and contains other essential nutrients. Meat, however, isn’t the only food that has protein and you can easily hit your protein needs on a vegan diet! Here are a few of our favourite protein-packed breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes, all of which are animal-friendly and full of other essential nutrients.


Trail Mix – mixed almonds, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

V Nutrition & Welness - Cookie Dough Protein Balls

V Nutrition & Welness - Cookie Dough Protein Balls

Worried about other nutrients?

Eating animals doesn’t guarantee that you’ll hit all of your essential nutrients. Eating a whole-foods, plant-based vegan diet will make it easier than ever before to hit all of your essential nutrients everyday. We’ve put together some a list of where you can get some of the most important nutrients from, here.

We also recommend downloading Dr Michael Gregers, Daily Dozen app. It can help you stay on track and make sure you are eating a range of foods every day.

Please note, we are not nutritionists. If you would like more advice we can help you find a nutritionist!


Plant-Based Goat


Plant-Based Nutrients